Emploment by indicators and years
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1000 persons
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Source of the data is the Labour Force Survey carried out in households.
* Since 2018:
a) The methodology behind the Labour Force Survey has been revised. The basis of the revision are concepts of “Resolution concerning statistics of work, employment and labour underutilization “ adopted by the 19th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (19th ICLS) in 2013. For more details see https://www.armstat.am/file/doc/99521073.pdf.
b) The figures presented differ from the previous publications. They refer to the usually resident population aged 15-74, estimated by the results of the survey.
c) The sample weights of the survey are adjusted (calibrated) according to the current projection (estimates) of the resident population of the RA.
d) Employed in non-resident economic units were not included in the indicators on status in employment, institutional sectors of economy and informal employment, regardless of geographic location of their place of work.